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In felines, proteinuria is considered either a marker of kidney disease and an important prognostic factor. Both clinical trials and retrospective studies demonstrate how proteinuric cats show a quicker progression of renal disease compared to non-proteinuric cats..
Proteinuric cats have high risk of death for uremic crisis compared to non-proteinuric ones, or in which antiproteinuric therapy was effective.
In felines, screening of proteinuric kidney disease should be performed through evaluation of urinary proteins to creatinine ratio (UP/C), as urinary dipstick is not reliable in this species.
UP/C and kidney function laboratory exams could be useful. In all cats over 10 years of age or affected from infectious disease (e.g. FeLV, FIV or FIP) and hyperthiroidism
Since December 2015, the International Renal Interest Society ( suggests antiproteinuric therapy if UP/C is above 0,4, regardless the patient’s creatinine levels.
Treatment usually recommended is based on renal diet together with Omega3 fatty acids, particularly Eicosapentaenoic (EPA – for example Pharmacross kcMEGA3 capsules). If the cat remains proteinuric after one month of renal diet and EPA, ACE-inhibitors and Angiotensin II receptor blockers have to be administered.
In order to evaluate the efficacy of the antiproteinuric therapy, UP/C should be tested after one month of treatment. Therapy is considered really efficacious if, at follow-up, the patient has a UP/C below 0.4; it is otherwise considered good if, at follow-up, patient’s UP/C is at least the half of the initial value.

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